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近日,宁波市沃特测试技术服务有限公司(以下简称宁波沃特)获得由IECEE国际电工委员会电工设备及零部件合格评定体系)颁发的CB Testing Laboratory(以下简称“CBTL”)证书。

Recently, Waltek Testing Group (Ningbo) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as " WALTEK Ningbo") has obtained the CB Testing Laboratory (hereinafter referred to as "CBTL") certificate issued by IECEE.



WALTEK Ningbo is the third laboratory of Waltek Testing Group which has obtained CBTL certificate after WALTEK Foshan and WALTEK Dongguan, it is a key mile stone  for Waltek Testing Group, that marks WALTEK made its management system and testing capabilities more strengthened, it is another solid step in assisting customers to access international markets.



Comprehensive and rigorous audit


沃特检验集团WALTEK Testing Group作为国内TIC行业的佼佼者,深耕产品检测近二十年,全球疫情肆虐、外部环境剧烈变化的情况下,再度发力,提交了旗下宁波公司关于家用电器及照明电器类产品的CBTL资质申请,战略合作伙伴德凯DEKRA德国最大的权威检测机构作为NCB机构National Certification Body,对此给予了全面支持。

As one of the leading players in Chinese TIC (Testing, InspectionCertification) industry, WALTEK Testing Group has been deeply engaged in consumer product testing for nearly 20 years. When facing global pandemic and global economic, political uncertainty, WALTEK Testing Group exerted its efforts once again and submitted CBTL qualification application for Ningbo lab on electrical household appliances, lighting products, the strategic partner DEKRA (DEKRA, the largest authoritative testing organization in Germany), as the NCB organization (National Certification Body), has given us full support.


5下旬国际IECEE审核组一行对宁波沃特进行了持续三天审核,全面审计了实验室的环境设施、人员能力、质量管理体系等要素。最后,评审组一致认为宁波沃特实验室完全符合ISO/IEC 17025:2017IECEE的相关规则和文件要求。

In late May, the international IECEE assessment team conducted a three-days audit on WALTEK Ningbo, and comprehensively audited the laboratory's environmental facilities, test equipment, personnel capabilities, quality management system, etc. Finally, the assessment result showed that WALTEK Ningbo fully complies with relevant rules, procedures and requirements of ISO/IEC 17025:2017 and IECEE ODs.



WALTEK Ningbo 's CBTL qualification not only represents IECEE and NCB's recognition of Ningbo Waltek's laboratory management and operation capabilities, but also represents the ability of WaltekTesting Group to provide more convenient CB and related global testing and certification service for regional customers.



One test, global recognition


IECEE CB Scheme是一套基于IEC标准的电工产品的全球互认体系。它是参与国和认证组织之间的多边协议,旨在通过促进国家标准与国际标准的协调以及全球公认的国家认证机构 (NCB) 之间的合作来促进贸易。 通过实现这一点,它使产品制造商更接近“一种产品,一次测试,一次通行”的理想概念。

The IECEE CB Scheme is an international system for mutual acceptance of test reports and certificates dealing with the safety of electrical and electronic components, equipment and products.based on IEC standards. It is a multilateral agreement among participating countries and certification organizations, which aims to facilitate trade by promoting harmonization of national standards with International Standards and cooperation among accepted National Certification Bodies (NCBs) worldwide. By achieving this, it brings product manufacturers a step closer to the ideal concept of "one product, one test, one mark, where applicable".


目前,已有50多个成员国家(Member Body)、90多个认证机构(National Certification Body)之间形成互认协议。

At present, more than 50 member countries (Member Body) and more than 90 certification bodies (National Certification Body) have formed mutual recognition agreements.



Manufacturers can obtain the recognition of IECEE member states with a CB report and certificate issued by an NCB, and can easily transfer certification after conducting supplementary testing or national difference testing.



Higher efficiency and better cost


宁波沃特 CBTL获得3领域HOUS家用及类似用途设备LITE照明设备, MISC杂项类)超过70标准的能力认可详见IECEE网站: 


Waltek Ningbo CBTL has obtained the ability which covers more than 70 standards in 3 major product category (HOUS, LITE, MISC). For details, see the IECEE website:




After becoming a CBTL, WALTEK Ningbo can directly conduct localized testing. After testing and certification review, it can be certified by NCB directly, effectively shortening the service time from testing to certification; based on the rapid testing of CB laboratory and the good international recognition of NCB, it can truly realize one-stop international certification services, eliminate the inconvenience caused by repeated testing due to national/regional difference, and improve certification efficiency.



In the future, WALTEK Testing Group will continue to give full play to the geographical advantages of its subsidiaries, provide stronger technical support and high-quality services for customers who trust and choose us in the fierce international market competition, and achieve mutual benefits among stakeholders. Make unremitting efforts to create a win-win situation.

