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Update 1: Enforcement of SASO Recognition Certificate for Selected Products
        SASO has recently made an announcement regarding a new requirement for the shipment certification of the following group of products which will be fully enforced from 15th February 2018: CoC’s cannot be issued on/after 15 Feb without following the new rules .

        SASO最近宣布将于2018年2月15日起全面实施新要求:以下產品需要額外申請SASO Recognition Certificate,然後才可以申請CoC,若不遵守新规定,2月15日之后不能申请CoC
         Mobile Devices 手机设备
        Car Batteries 汽车电池
        Mobile Phone Batteries 手机电池
        Water Pumps 水泵
        Dishwashers 洗碗机
        TV Sets 电视机
        Chargers for Mobile Phones and Parts 手机充电器及零部件
        Lighting 灯具
        Electric Motors 电机
        Computers and Laptops 电脑和笔记本电脑
        In accordance with this announcement, it is now obligatory for the above-listed product categories to comply with the following requirements:
         —— Safety testing by an IECEE CB Testing Laboratory
         —— Issuance of Recognition Certificate from SASO
          申請這個SASO Recognition Certificate,需要提供有效的CB證書。而其CB證書與測試報告必須是在IECEE CB認可的實驗室 ,SASO才会颁发认可证书。
Update 2: Enforcement of G-mark Requirement for Low Voltage (LV) Electrical Products 13種小家電必須要有G-Mark 才能申请CoC
       Informed that SASO has decided to finally enforce the G-mark Regulation for Low Voltage (LV) Electrical Products starting from 18th January 2018. Only the (13) product group categories listed below of this procedure are currently required to be compliant to the G-mark LV technical regulations. More products are expected to be added to this list progressively in the future.
